Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's A Boy!

So, Trevor and I have known for almost 3 weeks now that we are having a boy! We are very excited, and Trevor is sooo proud. I cannot wait to meet my little boy in February, and the time is passing more quickly than I thought it would! The first 12/13 weeks seemed to take forever, but now that I am feeling better, and not so exhausted, the time is flying by. I will be 19 weeks on Saturday, which is almost half way there! Crazy! I have my 19/20 week appointment next week, and they better confirm what we found at at 16 weeks- that it's a boy- or I will freak! lol.

So I wanted to share some of my sono pics, which, in my opinion, are the cutest!!

The best sound in the world! The heartbeat...

Now I am onto the task of decorating the nursery, and it has been a challenge finding what I see in my mind. But I think I finally have a few options, and I cannot wait to start! So, on that note, I will tak to you guys soon! ;)


The Bishop Gang said...

Oh my goodness! So awesome! Congrats! Little boys are the best!

Stephanie said...

Love Mr. Cole : )