It seems like not a lot has happened since my last post, even though it's been awhile. We did finish Cole's nursery, and I love it! I think it turned out really cute. It has decorations, but not too much, and the decor goes really well with his bedding and curtains. He will be able to grow with this decor since it is not at all "babyish" and Pottery Barn (where we got his crib bed and curtains) has a "big boy" comforter and sheet set to match the crib bedding we already have. Bonus! Here are a few pictures of his nursery!
On another note, I am now 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and sooo ready for Cole to make his arrival. At my last appointment I was at a 0 dilation- yay, but she said that my cervix was super soft, so that is a good sign as far as effacement goes. I have my doctors appointment for this week tomorrow, so hopefully I will have progressed some by then, and if not, the waiting game will continue. Since this is my first pregnancy, everyone has told me that I will most likely be late, so I am mentally prepared for my last day of pregnancy to be February 11th- since that is the last day my doctor will "allow" me to be pregnant- which means induction time. She did say that if I was so terribly uncomfortable and just ready, that she would induce me on my due date, but not anytime before that. However, my doctor is not on call that day because 2/4 is a Saturday, and she does not work Saturdays, so I am thinking that even if I do decide to induce, it will most likely be the 6th (Monday after). I have been having a whole lot of Braxton Hicks lately, so pretty uncomfortable, others just the normal tightening of my tummy. Each time I hope that they will turn into active labor, but nothing so far.... This is also my last week at work- hooray! After that I will be at home waiting for Cole to arrive, and getting some unfinished things done around the house. The after he arrives I am so excited to say that I will be staying home with him as a Stay-At-Home-Mom. I have heard that this is such a hard job because you get no time off, like a lunch hour, or a break, and that you have almost no adult conversation during the day. We shall see! Right now I feel extremely blessed to have such an opportunity, and will make the most of our days together. I also have the advantage of having my sister-in-law Tanya at home, and with her daughter Vivian so close to Cole's age (she was born in November) it will be fun to see the cousins grow up together. That is all I really have going on right now, like I said, the waiting game for Cole to arrive. I cannot wait to share with all of you his pictures once he does! Until next time...